Official station:

Union of Scouts of Brazil – PY5UEB

Association of Scouts of Mexico – 4A0ASM (guest)

National Radio Scouting Coordinator

Ronan Augusto Reginatto – PY2RAR

National Radio Scouting Team – CQWS

Barbara Pata – PY2QL

Fabio Guedes – PP5FZ

Nelson de Almeida – PS8NF

CQWS 2024 Coordinator

Marcos Akira Matsuyama PY2MAM

CQWS contributors

José de Jesus López – XE2N/N5MEX
(National Coordinator of JOTAJOTI – Mexico)

Genaro Pool – XE1Q

Rubén Flores – XE2AJ



REGULATIONS 2024 ( V.2 )

 Updated January 15 , 2024

The CQWS-HF – CQ World Scout Contest in HF is an activity promoted by the National Radio Scouting Team of the Scouts of Brazil, whose main objective is to develop good operational practice in Amateur Radio among members of the Scout Movement and Radio Amateurs from around the world.

  1. Date:

1.1 Second full weekend in April

Start:                   04/13/2024       18:00 UTC

End:       04/14/2024       20:00 UTC

  1. Modes and Bands:

2.1. CW, SSB, MIXED:

2.2. 10m, 15m, 20m, 40m, 80m and 160m


3.1. High Power: Total output power must not exceed 1500W on any band at any time.

3.2. Low Power: Total output power must not exceed 100W on any band at any time.

3.3. QRP: Total output power should not exceed 5W.

3.4. The output power must not exceed the maximum power permitted in the legislation in force in the country.

  1. Categories

4.1. (SOYL) Single YL Operator Exclusive for Amateur Radio Operators. All operation and registration work are performed by one person (the operator);

NOTE: The radio amateur is not obliged to compete as a YL, if choosing another category, the Exchange sent must be related to the chosen category.

4.2. (SOSB) – Single Operator – Single Band 10, 15, 20, 40, 80, 160m. All operation and registration work are performed by one person (the operator).

4.3. (SOAB QRP) – Single Operator – QRP, more than one band, mixed mode (up to 5W): All operation and registration work is performed by one person (the operator).

4.4. (SOAB) – Single Operator – More than one band. All operation and registration work are performed by one person (the operator).

4.5. (SODB) – Single Operator – Dual-Band: 10m and 80m – All operation and registration work are performed by one person (the operator),

4.5.1-Power: LOW only (up to 100W)

4.6. Any competitor can operate all bands and modes allowed in their category and choose to compete in a single band and single mode, if they send the complete log and indicate the band and mode intended in the cabrillo log, correctly selecting these options at the time of send the log on the logcheck platform. You can also choose to compete in SODB, if you have not used power above 100w on the 10m and 80m bands.

4.6.1. Any log submitted containing only one band will compete in that band.

4.6.2. Log presented as MIXED mode containing only one mode will compete in the respective mode.

4.6. 3. Log presented as SINGLE mode containing more than one mode will compete in MIXED mode.

4.7. (SOAB – PT) – Single Operator, more than one band. Exclusive for Brazilian radio amateurs. Round Patrollers Always Alert to Serve in the BP Patrol. All operation and registration work are performed by one person (the operator). The call sign licensed in the name of the operator.

4.8. (MULTI ONE) – Multi-Operator – Single Transmitter, more than one band, more than one person can contribute to the final score during the official competition period. Only one transmitted signal is permitted at any time.

4.8.1. Exchanges for the MULT ONE category must be CL, HQ, DB or GE

4.9. (MULTI ONE GE) – Multi-Operator – Single transmitter, more than one band. For Groups, Associations and Scout Associations with their own Callsigns (Legal Entity), more than one person can contribute to the final score during the official period of the competition. Only one transmitted signal is permitted at any time.

4.9.1. Exchanges for the MULTI ONE GE category must be DB or GE

4.10. (FIELD DAY – FD) . Single transmitter. To participate in this category, the station must be set up in an open area, such as squares, streets, avenues, fields, parks, etc. that has free access to the public. More than one person can contribute to the final score during the official competition period. Only one transmitted signal is permitted at any time. It can be used to do a Parks On The Air POTA or Summit On The Air SOTA additionally. It is mandatory to send photos of the station and antennas, showing and identifying the location of the installation to the email: radioescotismo@escoteiros.org.br


4.11.1. SINGLE OPERATOR OVERLAY : LP – Low Power (up to 100 watts); Any Single Operator participant who uses BP, DX, PT, RA, RE and YL as Exchange and meets the ROOKIE or TEEN requirements may elect to compete in one of the subcategories described below (ROOKIE or TEEN), which must include this option in the appropriate CATEGORY-OVERLAY line of the Cabrillo file. The classifications of the OVERLAY categories will be listed separately in the results.

4.11.2. ROOKIE – (Novice) Single Operator, must have been licensed three (3) years or less from the date of the competition and have never participated in the CQWS Contest. Indicate the date of the first license and declare that you never participated in the CQWS Contest, in the “SOAPBOX” line of the Cabrillo log;

4.11.3. TEEN – (Age up to 17 years old on the date of the competition) Single Operator, must indicate the date of birth in the “SOAPBOX” line of the Cabrillo log.

  1. Clubs

5.1. To validate the score for your club, the name of the club must be selected when uploading the log (End of the second page of the logcheck) which contains all the clubs listed at https://contestbr.org/clubes/ (if necessary, request registration or correction of your club name)

5.2. Club Classification: (Sum of all members’ scores):

  1. Exchange

6.1. Official Station: PY5UEB and A40ASM

RST + WS (599 WS or 59 WS)


6.2. LABRE, ARRL, RAC, FMRE stations and all amateur radio associations recognized by the IARU

RST + HQ (599 HQ or 59 HQ)


6.3. Single Operator Scout Stations (Brazil)

RST + RE (599 RE or 59 RE) Single Operator Radio Amateur Scout (RE) – Indicate the Scout Unit represented, in the SOAPBOX line


6.4. Single Operator Scout Stations from other countries

RST + BP (599 BP or 59 BP) Single Operator Radio Amateur Scout (BP – Baden-Powell) – Indicate the Scout Unit represented, in the SOAPBOX line


6.5. National and international scout associations and groups

RST + GE (599 GE or 59 GE) – Indicate the Scout Group (GE) represented, in the SOAPBOX line


6.6. Amateur radio associations or non-scout groups

RST + CL (599 CL or 59 CL)


6.7. Stations representing Bandeirante Districts, Desbravadores (DB) and similar districts

RST + DB (599 DB or 59 DB) – Indicate the DB Unit represented, in the SOAPBOX line


6.8. Patrol Stations

RST + PT (599 PT or 59 PT) – Indicate the Patrol Number (PT) in the SOAPBOX line


6.9. Single Operator Stations – Radio amateurs not belonging to the Scout Movement (Brazil)

RST + RA (599 RA or 59 RA)


6.10 – Single Operator Stations – Radio amateurs from other countries not belonging to the Scout Movement

RST + DX (599 DX or 59 DX)


6.11. QRP Stations

RST + QRP (599 QRP or 59 QRP)


6.12. YL Stations

RST + YL (599 YL or 59 YL)


6.13. Field Day Seasons (Demo)

RST + FD (599 FD or 59 FD)


  1. General Call :


7.1. CW: CQ WS


  1. Punctuation (acronyms):

All confirmed QSOs will be valid, with stations worked once per band.

CQWS Official Station : (PY5UEB and A40ASM) = 10 pts. (Contest Hours)

FD Stations = 7 pts.

PT, BP, RE, GE or DB stations = 5 pts.

Stations CL, YL, HQ, QRP, RA, DX = 3 pts.

  1. Multipliers:

Two types of multipliers will be used:

M1) One multiplier for different Brazilian UF contacted per band.

Example PY1CJ logged at 28,000 kHz and 14,000 kHz add up to 2 (two) multipliers

M2) One multiplier per different country, once.

Example K2MM logged at 28,000 kHz and 14,000 kHz adds 1 (one) multiplier.

9.1. Attention: In the N1MM log window, stations with messages or Exchange, “RA, BP, RE, PT, GE, CL, DB, DX, YL, FD, WS, QRP, HQ” are not being counted as UF multipliers, but in the CQWS calculation program, they will be counted as multipliers normally.


Brazilian Federative Units:

Federal DistrictDFHoly SpiritESGoiásGO
MaranhãoBADMato GrossoMTMato G do SulMS
Minas GeraisMGForSHOVELParaíbaPB
Rio de JaneiroRJRio G SulLOLRondôniaRO
Rio G NorthRNRoraimaRRSanta Catarina-SC
São PauloSPSergipeIFTocantinsTO


  1. Final Score

10.1. The final score is obtained using the following formula:

Sum of QSO points, multiplied by the sum of total multipliers.

  1. Awards:

11.1. SSB: 1st place nationally and internationally: Special Certificate by category.

11.2. CW: 1st place nationally and internationally: Special Certificate by category.

11.3. MIXED: 1st place nationally and internationally: Special Certificate by category.

11.4. The TEEN subcategory will be awarded a special prize for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place as a way of encouraging young radio amateurs.

11.5. The Organizing Committee may award the special prize.

11.6. To send the prize, the address in the Cabrillo log will be used. The sending of the prize and its monitoring will be published on the https://contestbr.org page , keeping the address confidential and informing the tracking code (if applicable). The prize returned by post will only be resent upon payment of postage by the recipient.


  1. Penalties:

12.1. Incorrect annotation of the Callsign: loss of QSO for those who wrote it down incorrectly.

12.2. Incorrect Exchange annotation: loss of QSO for those who wrote it down incorrectly.

12.3. QSO duplication: there is no penalty but only one QSO will be validated.

12.4. Band divergence: loss of QSO for both.

12.5. QTR divergence, above 5 minutes: loss of QSO for both.

12.6. Sending logs on paper or in formats other than Cabrillo 3.0 will not be accepted by the calculation system.

12.7. The use of the DX Cluster is permitted, however “auto spot” is prohibited, whether coming from the main station or one of its operators, as well as advertising by any digital means or other artifice, even in a disguised, subliminal way, where your station is tuned. Finding it is part of everyone’s effort and this procedure is considered unsportsmanlike behavior. One of the ways to prove an auto spot, or similar procedure, is by checking whether the IP address used during the contest coincides with the IP address used by the competitor, with his own call sign, to make a spot before or after the contest, subject to disqualification, in case of proven complaint.

12.8. All station transmitters, receivers and antennas must be located within a 500-meter diameter circle, hereinafter referred to as, “station location”. All antennas must be physically connected to transmitters and receivers. The use of reception equipment outside the “station location” is considered unsportsmanlike and violation of this rule will subject the participant to disqualification.

12.9. Any station classified as Single Operator, which complies with item 12.8, may be operated remotely via network connection. A remotely operated station must comply with station license limits, operator license limits, and class limitations. The call sign used must be the licensed call sign for the station to be operated remotely. Remote receivers outside the station location are not permitted.

12.10. Operation (to score) by people without license is prohibited: Disqualification.

12.11. The operation (to score) of licensed ham operatos in QRG and power not authorized for their class is prohibited: Declassification.

12.12. Violation of the contest rules or legislation on amateur radio or even unsportsmanlike conduct may lead to disqualification or reclassification to the Checklog category.

  1. Resources/Reports

13.1. Appeals and complaints will be accepted at any time and up to 72 hours after the provisional result is announced, via email radioescotismo@escoteiros.org.br

13.2. All reports received will be investigated under complete confidentiality, to protect the accused and the whistleblower. Fulfillment of requests from the person reported will be at the discretion of the CQWS Organization.

13.3. During the investigative process, failure to answer the questions formulated by the CQWS Organization, based on a complaint received, essential for the defense of the accused and its analysis, will result in a judgment “in absentia” and the complaints may be judged as true.

13.4. Appealing to any instance not provided for in this regulation or judicializing decisions of the CQWS Organization will be considered a very serious infraction, subjecting the appellant to definitive banishment from the CQWS Contest. The highest appeals body for the CQWS is the National Radio Scouting Coordination of the Union of Scouts of Brazil.

  1. Declaration:

14.1. By submitting your participation log to CQWS you agree that:

14.2. You have read and understood the contest rules and agree to follow them,

14.3. You have operated in accordance with all rules and regulations pertaining to amateur radio in your country,

14.4. Your log can be open to the public and,

14.5. You unconditionally accept that the disqualification(s) and other final decisions of the CQWS Organization are official, sovereign, and definitive, and cannot be appealed extrajudicially or judicially.

  1. Logs and Results:

15.1. Any log that does not contain the sender’s email in the body of the cabrillo file will not be accepted.

15.2. The original logs will only be received via https://contestbr.org/enviar-logs/ until 11:59 pm on the 7th day after the contest. Submission of any log by other means or after this date will not be used. The file name must be “indicative.log”, example: PS7AA.log.

15.3. The log received within the above period, which has a pending issue published on the logs received page, may be corrected up to the 9th day after the contest.

15.4. All logs received by the logcheck platform will be received by the robot, which will respond automatically, with an email and the log received as an attachment, which will be used in the investigation. If you do not receive it, check your SPAM folder. To replace a log, simply resend it via the same logcheck page.

15 .5 Logs received that do not comply with the regulations or contain errors that prevent their correct investigation are the sole responsibility of the competitor and will be automatically reclassified as Checklog.

15.6. The entire process of feeding the calculation system is manual (human), so it is strongly recommended to monitor the process of your log at https://contestbr.org/logs-recebidos until the end of the receipt period. Your log will only enter the ranking when it is “OK” by the system. If your log contains errors and is not corrected by you within the period, it may be returned to Checklog and will not participate in the competition classification.

15.7. In the line (Operators) of the Cabrillo file, only the operator’s code must appear, if more than one, separated by a comma.

15.8. After the provisional result has been announced, requests for log corrections that could change the classification of the competitor or their club will not be accepted, unless it is proven that there was an error on the part of the Selection Committee.

15.9. The provisional result will be published until the 20th day after the contest and the official result, until the 30th day after the contest, on the website contestbr.org .

15.10. The recommended software for recording the Log is N1MM, https://n1mm.hamdocs.com

15.11. CQWS participation certificates will be made available for download and will show the total score and overall classification, including by country.

15.12. Checklogs will not be disclosed. These records are submitted to assist the competition committee and will not have scores published in the results.

15.13. The published logs will have the Address and EMAIL fields removed. Wherever possible, we try to find email addresses on SOAPBOX and will remove them to protect participants’ privacy.

15.14. We recommend not putting email in the SOAPBOX line

15.15. Only the logs made public were those used in the CQWS investigation process.

15.16. All published logs will be in Cabrillo 3.0 format. You will be able to read them using any text editor or viewer.

15.17. Information about configuration and use of the contest UDC file in N1MM, access the website: https://contestbr.org in the CQWS tab and search for the cqws.zip file

  1. Arbitration Committee:

16.1. The CQWS Contest Committee is responsible for analyzing and refereeing competition entries (logs). Participants are expected to follow ham radio rules and best practices. Violation of competition rules or unsportsmanlike conduct may result in disciplinary action by the Committee.

16.2. For Brazilian stations, arbitration decisions will use Brazilian communications legislation.

16.3. During the entire counting phase, the competitor will have to pay attention to their email, because, if the organization needs additional information, the competitor will have up to 5 calendar days on the date the email is issued to formalize their defense. , or even send additional information. Non-compliance or non-response will be considered by default and will be subject to the Committee’s decisions.



Campaign: “An amateur radio operator in each Scout Group”, collaborate!